Wallpaper JPEGifier - Best Cydia Tweaks Wallpaper JPEGifier allows you to create JPG versions of LockBackground and HomeBackground.
iPhone boss.iOS 6.1 theme jailbreak - YouTube 2013年2月12日 - 2 分鐘 - 上傳者:Ripon M + Wallpaper JPEGifier + FolderEnhancer + DietBulletin + Barrel + ColorKeyboard (boss.iOS mod ...
鋼鐵人一碰就開LS +音效- IPHONE JB 越獄完全攻略| Facebook 需安裝wallpaper jpegifier設定背景圖片需到設定裡的圖片設定,設定完後 ... 在來 使用ifunbox 把剛才下載的圖片放到Library/Wallpaper/iphone 然後去手機的設定.
Anyone using Wallpaper JPEGifier? - iPhone, iPad, iPod Forums at ... MacThemes Forum / [MS Tweak] Wallpaper JPEGifier (beta) (iOS 4.2.1+) ... is that Apple changed the way wallpapers are made/stored by using ...
Download Wallpaper JPEGifier.deb Cydia Crawler - iPod-Touch-Max Name: Wallpaper JPEGifier. Version: 0.5.2. Description: Create JPG versions of LockBackground and HomeBackground. Dependence: mobilesubstrate